Best practices
The guidelines of the Firm on environmental issues are very precise: our office management is attentive to energy saving, through a reduction of travels where possible and a careful use of water.
The new offices were built with a particular attention to energy efficiency: in terms of electrical and thermal systems, as well as internal materials and procedures, everything is inspired by the highest quality with the lowest possible impact.
The firm's commitment and its protection takes shape in a partnership program which involves organizations and firms sharing the same commitment towards to the environmental cause.
With judgment no. 46130 of November 15, 2023, the Italian Supreme Court of Criminal Cassation clarified that merely citing legal provisions is not sufficient to justify an evidentiary seizure - Cagnola & Associati Lab #36
Con ordinanza del 7 settembre 2023 la Corte d’Appello di Milano ha dichiarato l’inammissibilità dell’atto d’impugnazione proposto avverso una sentenza del 26 maggio 2023, pronunciata dal Tribunale di Milano - Cagnola&Associati Lab #35
Con sentenza n. 2051 recentemente depositata, la Suprema Corte di Cassazione ha ribadito il principio di autonomia dell’accertamento penale rispetto a quello condotto in sede tributaria.
On October 3, 2023, Attorney Fabio Cagnola participated in the conference organized by Bocconi University in Milan titled "Deferred Prosecution Agreement: Negotiated Criminal Justice for Companies. International Experiences and the Italian Perspective," as a member of the panel dedicated to the national situation titled "Prospects for the Italian Legal System?"
Lawyer Fabio Cagnola is the moderator of the webinar promoted by IBA to analyze the anti-corruption provisions implemented at the EU level and in national legal systems by the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO).
Lawyers Fabio Cagnola, Filippo Ferri and Silvia Martina from Cagnola & Associati Studio Legale are the authors of the paper "ITALY Trends & Developments” for the new edition of the Chambers Anti Corruption 2023 guide.